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Daily Habits Can Make a World of Difference: #1 Sleep

Written By Pleasant Hill Family Chiropractic on June 23, 2023

Is something you are doing everyday causing pain or slowing your progress?  Read on for healthful habits.  We'll be starting today with sleep.

How you sleep can make a world of difference in how you feel.  And restful sleep is when your body heals itself.  Therefore, if you can't sleep, you can't heal.  Lets look at good habits for healthy sleep.

1. Positioning.  In general, back sleep is best, followed by side sleeping.  Stomach sleeping is never recommended as it is very hard on your structure. 

  • When on your back, support your neck with a pillow that doesn't elevate your head.  A second pillow under your knees will keep hamstrings relaxed and decreases the pull on your hips and lower back.  Injury alert: Avoid putting your arms over your head.
  • When on your side, you'll need a thicker pillow that keeps your neck straight- not propped up or sagging down.  Avoid putting your hands and arms under your pillow.  A pillow hugged to your chest is a great way to keep your arms in a healthy position.  Last, keep your hips and knees stacked on top of each other and place a small pillow between your knees.  Injury alert: Avoid twisting your spine caused by bringing your knee up and forward.  

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2.  Mattress  Generally, side sleepers do better with a softer mattress and back sleepers do better with a firmer matress.  But you may follow your personal preference here.  Injury alert:  Replace a matress that is older than 10 years or has damage you can feel or see.  Look for lumps, sags, dents and springs.

3. Habits  Keeping to a routine is a great way to improve your sleep.  Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day improves your circadian rhythm making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.  Here are some guidelines to help:

  • Avoid alochol, especially late in the evening
  • Avoid caffeine for 6-8 hours before bedtime
  • Avoid working out or large meals for 4 hours before bedtime
  • Avoid blue light from screen devices (including your phone!) for 2 hours before bedtime
  • Use blackout shades and cover light sources in your bedroom.  An eye mask can achieve this as well
  • Form a routine such as stretching, teeth brushing, meditation etc.  Repeating this behavior can act as a sleep trigger, telling your body it's time to sleep
  • Get some morning sunlight to help your body wake up and fall asleep on time later

Look for the next installment of healthful habits on it's way soon!  


Posted In: New Patients: Welcome to Chiropractic Care!